Accent vs. Ascent vs. Assent

Accent vs. Ascent vs. Assent

These three words-accent, ascent, and assent-can give even the most adept speaker of English pause. They all three sound similar, but they mean different things. Let's take a few moments to review their meanings and how you might use them correctly in your speaking and writing.

Accent can be used as a noun or a verb. When used as a noun, it refers to the manner of pronunciation of words or the manner in which they are enunciated (or where stress is placed on syllables).

When used as a verb, accent means to emphasize or draw attention to.

Accent used as a noun:

1. Your grandmother's accent is different; where did she grow up?

2. When Mrs. Jones asked us to be quiet, she put an accent on the word quiet.

3. After you have lived in many different places, your accent becomes a blend of those places.

Accent used as a verb:

1. Jenna used makeup to accent her face for the dance competition.

2. That pink dress really accents your red hair.

Ascent is a noun referring to a climb-either up a hill or through the air.

1. We watched the bird's ascent until it disappeared over the trees.

2. An ascent up Mount Everest is very dangerous.

3. The climbers stopped in their ascent to enjoy the view.

Assent can be used as a noun or a verb and in both cases, it means approval or agreement-either the act of giving or the expression of the approval.

1. My father assented to my going to the dance on Saturday.

2. The teacher's assent meant that we could work together on the project.

3. My mother gave me a nod of assent when I asked if I could watch television.

While these words differ in spelling by only a few letters, their meanings are actually very different. I hope that I have effectively accented their differences, and you will assent to using them correctly!

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