Accept vs. Except

Accept vs. Except

Accept and except are two words that are often confused. It is important to understand the difference between these two words so that you will use them correctly in your speaking and writing. While these two words sound similar and are spelled similarly, they mean nearly the opposite of each other.

Accept is a verb that means to receive or to consent:

1. Will you accept this small gift?

2. I accept your apology.

3. Jenna is very accepting of new ideas.

4. I accepted the allowance my mother gave me.

5. The dog accepted the bone from the little boy's hand.

Except is a word that is usually used as a preposition or a conjunction and it means "not including" or "all but". It is the opposite of acceptance.

1. We are all going to the lake, except Mary.

2. I would come with you, except I have to do my homework.

3. I ate everything on my plate, except the broccoli.

Except is less often used as a verb meaning to exclude:

4. I dislike teachers, present company excepted.

5. The teacher excepted Josie from the assignment because she had been ill.

So, accept is used to show consent or willing receipt. Except is used to show exception, or "not including." While these two words sound similar, their meanings are actually nearly the opposite of each other. So, please accept my advice, and except in situations where you want to appear unintelligent, use these two words correctly!

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