Cucumber vs. Zucchini

Cucumber vs. Zucchini

Cucumber and zucchini are members of the gourd family. Cucumber originates from India, while zucchini originates from Italy. Even though most people regard them as vegetables, botanically speaking, cucumber and zucchini are berries (types of fruit). Cucumber and zucchini require fertile soil and plenty of sun for the successful growth. Cucumber grows in areas with warm climate, while zucchini produces fruit of best quality in areas with temperate climate. Even though they are morphologically very similar, cucumber and zucchini can be differentiated by:

Shape of the Seed and Morphology of Mature Plants

Cucumber has long, narrow and smooth seed, while zucchini has short and wide seed with central ridge. Cucumber is a spreading vine which develops fine tendrils that support growth of the plant in height (when trellis or some other structures are available). Zucchini grows upright and has bush-like stem. Leaves of both cucumber and zucchini are heart-shaped, but they are much larger in zucchinis.

Texture and Color of the Skin

Both cucumber and zucchini are cylindrically shaped and have dark green skin and creamy flesh filled with seed, but they can be easily distinguished by touch. Most types of cucumber have bumpy surface with waxy skin that is cold on touch. Unlike cucumber, zucchini is dry and rough. Some varieties of zucchini have yellow, orange or mottled skin, while some types of cucumber have smooth skin (burpless varieties).

Presence or Absence of the Stem at the Base of the Fruit

Zucchini is harvested with woody stem at the base of the fruit, while cucumber has only small, roundish scar on one side of the fruit (it is harvested without stem).


Zucchini produces large, yellow or orange, trumpet-shaped flowers that are used in human diet. Cucumber also produces yellow, but smaller, bell-shaped flowers that are not edible.

Nutritional Value

Cucumber contains 95% of water and it is good source of vitamin K. Zucchini has greater nutritional value. It is excellent source of folate (vitamin B9), vitamin A and potassium.


Cucumber has crispy, juicy texture and it is usually consumed raw. It wilts after cooking, but retains crunchiness. Small varieties of cucumber are often consumed pickled. Raw zucchini is bitter and sweet at the same time. It has dry, spongy flesh which becomes softer, more sweet and brownish after cooking. Zucchini can be steamed, stir-fried, roasted, or stuffed and used for the preparation of soups.

Cosmetic Value

Slices of cucumber are often used in treatment of tired, swollen eyes (they reduce puffiness of eyes). Cucumber is also used for the preparation of various lotions, soaps and beauty products (skin and hair care products) in the cosmetic industry.

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