Efficacy vs. Efficiency

Efficacy vs. Efficiency

Efficacy and efficiency are different words-they are not synonyms or even homophones. But, because they are spelled similarly, they are often confused. Let's take a closer look at these two words so that you will make sure to use them with efficacy and efficiency when you are speaking and writing.

Efficacy functions as noun and means the ability to produce the desired result; effectiveness or power.

1. The efficacy of this diet has not been measured, as it is a new program and has not been tested on very many people.

2. The scientists are in the process of testing the efficacy of their experiment to halt the growth of cancer cells.

3. The president is awaiting the results of the battle before he begins to praise the efficacy of the plan.

Efficiency is a noun referring to the state of maximizing results or productivity.

1. The machine operates with efficiency, producing 10 toys every hour where the old machine could only produce 8.

2. It was amazing to watch the efficiency with which the team of rowers worked together to pull the boat toward the finish line.

If you think about it, something could be efficient without having efficacy.

1. While the machine operated with efficiency, it did not do so with the efficacy we hoped. We spent the afternoon cleaning spilled ice cream off of the factory floor.

I hope that I have explained these two words with efficiency, and that you are able to use them both with efficacy!

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