Premier vs. Premiere

Premier vs. Premiere

Premiere and premier are homophones, which means that they sound the same but have different spellings and different meanings. It is important that you understand what they mean so that you can use the correct one in your writing.

Premiere can function as a noun or as a verb and it refers to the initial showing of a new movie or play. It can refer to the actual performance or the act of giving the first performance.

1. The movie premiere is scheduled for tonight, and all of the movie stars will be there.

2. The dance company is expected to premiere their new ballet just before Christmas.

3. The world premiere of my favorite group's new music video is tonight!

Premier can function as a noun or as an adjective. As an adjective, it means first in importance, position, or order. As a noun it typically refers to a leader in government or a prime minister.

1. The girl who is flying across the ice on her skates is the premier figure skater for the United States.

2. The premier of the country will be giving a speech at 2pm, and it will be televised on all of the news stations.

3. The premier act at the circus was the elephants, in my opinion, because they did amazing tricks and you just don't get to see elephants every day!

Premiere and premier have origins in French and Latin for first or principal. As you can see, both of these words and their definitions have to do with something that is "first." Just remember that premiere refers specifically to the first showing of a production.

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