Renounce vs. Denounce

Renounce vs. Denounce

Renounce and denounce are similar words in the English language, but they have different meanings. Let's take a closer look at their meanings so that no one will have cause to denounce your grammatical expertise!

Renounce is a verb that means that one formally rejects, refuses to recognize, or will no longer engage in or support something or someone. It is about a personal rejection of something that you will no longer do.

1. In order to marry the peasant girl he loved, the prince renounced his throne.

2. To fit in with his new friends, Peter had to renounce his connection to the street gang he had formerly joined.

3. The repentant sinner renounced Satan and the forces of wickedness as part of joining the church.

Denounce is a verb that means to public declare someone or something else to be wrong or evil. It is not as personal as renounce-it is about calling attention to something else as wrong or evil.

1. The mayor denounced the street gangs that were causing a rise in crime in certain neighborhoods.

2. The principal publically denounced the football players who were bullying other students.

3. The church denounced racism and prejudice, putting out a sign welcoming all who wanted to come.

In summary, renounce is about a personal rejection of something that you will no longer do-whether it is evil or wrong or not. Denounce is about calling attention to something that you believe to be wrong or evil and publically saying that it is wrong.

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