Burden of Proof Examples

Burden of Proof

A fallacy is when someone makes an argument based on unsound reasoning. Burden of proof is one type of fallacy in which someone makes a claim, but puts the burden of proof onto the other side. For example, a person makes a claim. Another person refutes the claim, and the first person asks them to prove that the claim is not true. In a logical argument, if someone states a claim, it is up to that person to prove the truth of his or her claim.

Examples of Burden of Proof:

1. A student claims that the school is overcharging students for lunch. The teacher says that she does not believe that is happening. The student asks the teacher to prove that lunch prices are fair.

2. A student tells the principal that the school should spend more money for clubs. The principal tells the student that there is no money in the budget for that this year. The student asks the principal why he is against clubs.

3. Lisa believes in ghosts. Mark tells her that there is no evidence that ghosts exist. Lisa tells Mark that there is no evidence that they don't.

4. Many religions believe in a higher power, but few back up the argument with evidence of its existence. Instead, many argue that you can't prove that a higher power doesn't exist.

5. An employee goes to her boss and claims that she has been harassed at work. The boss asks her for evidence to support the claims. She argues that he needs to prove that she wasn't harassed and that she shouldn't have to provide evidence.

Related Links:
Fallacies Examples
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