Poseidon Facts

Poseidon Facts
Poseidon was the Greek 'God of the Sea', and the god of earthquakes, horses, and storms, as well as one of 12 of the gods at Mount Olympus. Poseidon's origins are not known for sure, but he was an important god in ancient Greek mythology because he ruled the seas and men would often pray to him on voyages at sea to keep them safe. Poseidon, like all gods, had a city that they had to protect. His was Atlantis, a large island, where he fell in love with Cleito, a mortal princess. They had ten sons together. But as the years passed Atlantis' people became ungrateful to Poseidon and as the god of earthquakes, he sent a terrible earthquake that sunk Atlantis to the bottom of the ocean. Roman mythology's version of Poseidon is the god Neptune.
Interesting Poseidon Facts:
Poseidon is the Greek word for 'husband'.
Some believe that Poseidon was born to Rhea and Cronus (Titan's king and queen), but that Cronos swallowed Poseidon after his birth for fear that he would take over one day. Some theories suggest that Rhea tricked Cronus and he never swallowed Poseidon while other theories suggest that Zeus rescued Poseidon after he was swallowed.
The three brothers Poseidon, Zeus, and Hades battled the Titans and won. Zeus became ruler of the sky; Hades became ruler of the underworld, and Poseidon became ruler of the sea. All three of the brothers were responsible for taking care of the land.
Poseidon is often pictured with a three-pronged spear or trident. His hair is curly and he sports a beard.
Poseidon's transportation was a chariot pulled by horses with fishtails (hippocampuses).
Poseidon's powers included the ability to control the ocean, create storms, clear bad weather, and create earthquakes.
Poseidon was also referred to as 'earth-shaker' because of his ability to cause earthquakes.
Poseidon was an ill-tempered, greedy, vengeful, and moody god.
Poseidon is believed to have caused a beautiful priestess named Medusa to become a Gorgon, after he ravished her in a temple that had been dedicated to Athena, a goddess of Mount Olympia. Poseidon had wanted the city of Athens as his city but Athena won out, making Poseidon vengeful.
Poseidon married Amphitrite, the daughter of Doris and Nereus. She was a sea goddess and nymph. Their children were Triton (half human - half fish) and Bethesikyme, and possibly Rhode.
Poseidon also had relationships with Aphrodite, Demeter, Gaea, Aba, Agamede, Aethra, Alistra, Alcyone, Alope, Amymone, Arene, Arne, Arethusa, Ascre, Astydameia, and many more.
During the Trojan War Poseidon sided with the Greeks.
Although Poseidon had a palace in the sea made of coral and gems he spent a lot of time at Mount Olympus.
Poseidon tried to pursue his sister Demeter but she was not interested and turned herself into a mare to hide among the other horses. Poseidon figured it out and turned himself into a stallion. Their child was a horse named Arion.
There are statues of Poseidon in Gothenburg, Sweden, in Presov, Slovakia, in Bristol, England, and in Berlin, Germany.

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