Asiatic black bear Facts

Asiatic black bear Facts
Asiatic black bear is a type of medium-sized bear. It originates from Central and South Asia. Asiatic black bear inhabits deciduous, temperate, subtropical and tropical forests on the low altitude. Number of Asiatic black bears has been decreased for 49% during the past 30 years due to accelerated deforestation (habitat loss) and uncontrolled hunting (body parts such as paws and gall bladder are used in traditional Chinese medicine). Asiatic black bear is classified as vulnerable, which means that it can become endangered in the near future.
Interesting Asiatic black bear Facts:
Asiatic black bear can reach 47 to 75 inches in length and 88 to 440 pounds of weight.
Asiatic black bear has shaggy, black coat with whitish-creamy, crescent-shaped mark on the chest (hence the nickname "moon bear"). Its muzzle is light-brown, and fur around neck exceptionally long, mane-like.
Asiatic black bear has large, rounded head, long snout and large ears. It has big, stocky body, thick legs and short tail.
Asiatic black bear can walk both on two and four legs. Unlike many other bears, it can easily travel distance of 1/4 of a mile on two legs. Asiatic black bear uses upright posture to intimidate both its competitors and predators.
Asiatic black bear does not have good eyesight and sense of hearing, but it has excellent sense of smell which is used for detection of food.
Asiatic black bear is an omnivore. It likes to eat fruit, acorns, nuts, berries, bamboo shoots and herbs. Plant-based diet is occasionally supplement with insects such as ants and termites, rodents and birds.
Asiatic black bear is solitary and nocturnal creature. It sleeps on the platforms made of branches in the trees or inside the hollow trees and caves during the day.
Natural enemies of Asiatic black bears are tigers, wolves and brown bears, which prey on bear cubs.
Asiatic black bear has shorter claws compared with other species of bears, but it is an excellent climber. It spends most of its life in the trees, which provide plenty of food and represent safe place for rest.
Population of Asiatic black bear in the northern parts of its natural range hibernate during the winter.
Mating season of Asiatic black bear takes place from June to August.
Pregnancy in females lasts 6 to 8 months and ends with 1 to 4 cubs (2 on average). Babies spend first few months of their life inside the winter den.
Babies depend on the mother's milk until the age of 6 months. Young Asiatic black bears stay with their mother until the age of 2 to 3 years.
Asiatic black bear reaches sexual maturity at the age of 4 to 5 years.
Asiatic black bear can survive 25 years in the wild and up to 30 years in the captivity.

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