Black turnstone Facts

Black turnstone Facts
Black turnstone is wading bird that belongs to the family of sandpipers. It can be found along the western coast of North America. Black turnstone inhabits rocky shorelines, sandy beaches and piers. Oil spills, floods and predators are the greatest threats for the survival of black turnstones in the wild. Despite these factors, global population of black turnstone is large and stable (there are around 95.000 black turnstones in the wild). Black turnstone is not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Black turnstone Facts:
Black turnstone can reach 8.7 to 9.8 inches in length and 3.5 to 6 ounces of weight.
Black turnstone is covered with black feathers on the back, wings and chest. It has white speckles on the lateral sides of the body and white patch on the wings. Belly and tail are white, except one broad black band on the tail. Black turnstone has white "eyebrows" above eyes and white spot between eyes and beak. Black plumage changes color to brown during the winter. Males and females look alike.
Black turnstone has short, dark, slightly upturned bill. It has stocky, medium-sized body with short, reddish-brown legs.
Black turnstone has swift, direct flight. It moves its wings rapidly during the flight.
Black turnstone is diurnal bird (active during the day). It roosts during the day when tide is high.
Black turnstone is a carnivore (meat-eater). Diet based on crustaceans, limpets and insects is occasionally enriched with seed, eggs and carrion.
Black turnstone turns stones and shells to find food hidden below them, hence the name "turnstone".
Black turnstone is migratory bird. It travels toward the Pacific coast of North America, where it spends winter.
Black turnstone uses high-pitched, rattling calls, loud, screeching alarm calls and soft, purr-like calls for communication.
Natural enemies of black turnstones are jaegers and gulls.
Mating season of black turnstones takes place from May to June. Black turnstones reproduce only in the marshy, coastal tundra on Alaska.
Black turnstones expose white markings on the wings and tail and produce loud calls to find mating partner. Formed couples last for a lifetime (monogamous birds). Black turnstones use exactly the same location for the nesting each year. They are very aggressive during the nesting season.
Male is responsible for the construction of the nest (shallow depression in the ground lined with grass). Female lays 4 eggs that hatch after 21 to 24 days. Both male and female take part in the incubation of eggs.
Black turnstones are able to walk and feed on their own soon after hatching. Female usually leaves chicks with their father two weeks after hatching. Male continues to take care of his offspring until they learn to fly, at the age of 25 to 34 days.
Black turnstone can survive 4 to 8 years in the wild.

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