Boreal toad Facts

Boreal toad Facts
Boreal toad is a type of amphibian that belongs to the group of true toads. It can be found in the Sothern Rocky Mountains in the North America. Boreal toad inhabits swamps, ponds, lakes and slow-flowing rivers that are associated with mountain forests and meadows on the altitude of 8.000 to 12.000 feet. Number of boreal toad in the wild is dropping rapidly due to habitat destruction, traffic accidents and fungal disease (induced by chytrid fungus). Boreal toad is listed as near threatened, which means that it can become endangered in the near future.
Interesting Boreal toad Facts:
Boreal toad can reach 3.7 to 4.3 inches in length and 1.2 to 2.8 ounces of weight. Females are larger than males.
Boreal toad has grey, green or brown skin covered with warts. Throat and belly are lighter in color. White stripe stretches on dorsal side of the body. Belly and backs are covered with black or rusty-colored markings.
Boreal toad has wide head with large eyes and kidney-shaped parotid gland behind them. It has stocky body and short legs.
Unlike most other species of toads, boreal toad rarely jumps. It prefers to walk.
Boreal toad is active both during the day and night.
Boreal toad is an omnivore (it eats plants and meat). Its diet is based on various invertebrates (such as worms, ants, moths, spiders and beetles), algae, carrion and detritus.
Boreal toad uses keen eyesight to detect prey and long, sticky tongue to catch it.
Boreal toad uses toxic substance produced in the warts and parotid glands to defend against predators such as snakes, raccoons, salamanders and birds of prey. Some animals developed clever technique to avoid poisoning. Ravens, for example, do not swallow entire frog. Instead, they consume only internal organs that do not contain toxins.
Boreal toad hibernates during the winter in the burrows in the ground.
Boreal toad migrates from seasonal habitats toward the wintering grounds and breeding areas each year. It uses stars and sense of smell to navigate on its way from one aquatic habitat to another.
Mating season of boreal frogs lasts from May (on the lower altitudes) to July - August (on the higher altitudes).
Males do not have vocal sac and do not produce any sound during the mating season (except chirps when they are threatened).
Female deposits 2 strings of 16.500 eggs in the shallow pool of water (usually up to 4 inches deep). Tadpoles hatch after 3 to 10 days.
Metamorphosis (transformation of tadpoles into frogs) depends on the temperature. During the warm weather, metamorphosis lasts 30 days. Cold weather prolongs metamorphosis to 75 days. Boreal frogs reach sexual maturity at the age of 4 (males) and 6 (females) years.
Boreal toad can survive from 9 to 12 years in the wild.

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