Cacomistle Facts

Cacomistle Facts
Cacomistle is a small mammal that belongs to the family Procyonidae (raccoon is one of its closest relatives). There are five subspecies of cacomistle that can be found in Mexico, Panama and Costa Rica. Cacomistle inhabits tropical forests, mountain forests and evergreen woodlands. When the habitat of cacomistle becomes too wet (after prolonged periods of rain), it migrates toward dry areas. In some countries, cacomistle is kept as house pet. Cacomistles in the wild depend on the forest and they are highly susceptible to deforestation. Even though these animals are faced with habitat loss, number of cacomistles in the wild is still large and stable. Cacomistle is not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Cacomistle Facts:
Cacomistle can reach 15 to 18 inches in length and 1.5 to 2.2 pounds of weight. Tail is usually equally long, or slightly longer than the body. Males are longer than females, but they weigh the same.
Cacomistle is covered with dense fur that is usually grey to brownish colored. Underside of the body is lighter in color. Eyes are encircled with white fur. Long fluffy tail is covered with black bands.
Cacomistle has small head, pointed muzzle, pointed ears, naked soles and non-retractable claws (claws are always exposed). These morphological features are used to distinguish cacomistle from its close relative - ringtail cat - which has retractable claws, shorter tail, and less pointed ears.
Name "cacomistle" originates from Nahuatl Indian word "Tlacomiztli" which means "half-cat" or "half-mountain lion".
Cacomistle is an arboreal animal, which means that it is adapted to the life in the treetops.
Cacomistle is excellent climber and leaper thanks to long tail (which is used for balancing) and sharp claws (which ensure safe landing and strong gripping of the branches).
Cacomistle is nocturnal creature (active at night).
Cacomistle is an omnivore (it eats plants and meat). Its diet is based on fruit, berries, insects, lizards, small mammals and birds.
Main predators of cacomistle are large birds of prey (such as owls), large snakes, ocelots and tayras.
Cacomistle is solitary animal. It lives on a territory that can be 20 to 100 hectares large (depending on the food sources).
Cacomistle is quiet animal, but it is able to produce couple of sounds when it is threatened. Cornered animal will bark, snarl or scream in self-defense. Young cacomistles produce high-pitched squeaks.
Mating season of cacomistle takes place from March to April.
Pregnancy in females lasts around 60 days and ends with one baby. Female gives birth in a nest on a tree. Baby is toothless, blind and deaf at birth.
At the age of three months, young cacomistle starts to hunt with its mother. Soon afterwards it becomes ready for the independent life.
Cacomistle can survive 7 years in the wild and 23 years in the captivity.

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