Green anole Facts

Green anole Facts
Green anole is a type of reptile that belongs to the family of iguanas. It can be found in the southeastern parts of North America. Green anole inhabits swamps, woodlands, parks, yards and other humid, forested areas. Domestic cats and over-collecting from the wild (due to pet trade) are major threats for the survival of green anoles in the wild. Luckily, population of green anoles is still large and stable and they are not on the list of endangered animals.
Interesting Green anole Facts:
Green anole is small lizard that can reach 5 to 8 inches in length. Males are larger than females.
Green anole is brightly green colored, but it easily changes the color into brown, yellow or grey depending on the mood, temperature and humidity. Males have pink or red flap of skin, called dewlap, on the throat.
Green anole has movable eyelids and its eyes move individually, independent from each other.
Green anole has narrow, pointed head, slender body, long hind legs and thin tail.
Green anole spends most of its time in the trees (semi-arboreal animal). It has wide pads covered with microscopically small hairy projections on their feet which facilitate movement along the tree trunks, walls and other vertical surfaces.
Green anole is diurnal animal (active during the day). When it doesn't hunt, it basks in the sun.
Green anole is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet consists of spiders, flies, crickets, moths, ants, termites and worms. Green anole hunts only prey that is moving.
Green anoles are territorial animals. Males occupy territory of 3 square yards. During the fights for dominance, males inflate their throat, erect crest on their backs, expose dewlap and position themselves sideways to appear larger.
Green anoles also perform pushups and bob their heads to intimidate competitors. They are very aggressive and ready to attack even their own reflection in the mirror.
Main predators of green anoles are birds of prey, cats and snakes.
Like many other species of lizards, green anoles are able to detach their tail from the rest of the body to escape from the hands or the mouth of the predator.
Mating season of green anoles lasts from March to October. Males expose their vividly colored dewlaps to attract females.
Female produces 15 to 18 eggs per season. She lays one egg every two weeks into the nest made in the hollow logs, leaf litter or in the ground. Incubation of eggs lasts 5 to 7 weeks.
Young green anoles are left on their own from the moment of birth. They reach sexual maturity at the age of 8 to 9 months.
Green anole can survive 2 to 3 years in the wild and up to 7 years in the captivity.

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