Green toad Facts

Green toad Facts
Green toad is a type of amphibian that belongs to the family of true toads. It can be found in Europe, North Africa and some parts of Asia. Green toad inhabits grasslands, forests, scrublands, parks, gardens, swamps and areas near the rivers, ponds, lakes and ditches. Number of green toads in the wild is decreasing due to drainage of wetlands and traffic accidents. Unlike other animal species, green toads benefit from deforestation and thrive in newly created open areas. Global population of green toads is still large and these animals are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Green toad Facts:
Green toad can reach 6 inches in length. Males are much smaller than females.
Green toad has light grey, creamy or olive-green backs with dark green or black blotches of various size and shape. Grey or whitish colored belly is usually covered with dark spots. Skin on dorsal side of the body is warty.
Green toad has wide head, prominent eyes with horizontal pupils and enlarged parotid glands behind them. It has robust body with short hind legs and webbed feet.
Green toad breathes via lungs and thin skin equipped with numerous mucous glands which keep it moist.
Green toad is terrestrial animal which spends only first part of the life (as a tadpole) in the water.
Green toad is nocturnal creature (active during the night). It may become active during the day during the breeding season.
Green toad is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on various types of insects.
Green toad secretes toxic substance from the large warts on its backs which makes it unpalatable for most predators. Some snakes hunt and eat greed toads despite that.
Green toads that inhabit cold regions hibernate during the winter. They can hibernate on the land, or in the wells, ditches and streams.
Green toads tolerate increased salinity and temperatures of 40 degrees of Celsius. They remain dormant during the hottest part of the year (phenomenon called aestivation) in the extremely hot and dry areas.
Mating season of green toads takes place from February to July.
Males have external vocal sacs and produce cricket-like sounds during the night. They often sing in chorus.
Males grasp the females using the nuptial pads (hardened pads on the first three fingers). Mating couple remains physically attached several days. Female produces 5.000 to 13.000 eggs organized in two strings that can reach 6.6 to 23 feet in length.
Tadpoles hatch from the eggs in the shallow pools of water. They feed on algae and detritus until they complete metamorphosis (which takes place during the spring and summer) and transform into toadlets (juvenile toads).
Green toads can survive from 7 to 10 years in the wild.

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