Malayan tiger Facts

Malayan tiger Facts
Malayan tiger is one of the smallest subspecies of tiger. It can be found in Malaysia (hence the name) and southern parts of Thailand. Malayan tiger gained status of subspecies recently, in 2004. Before that time, researchers thought that Malayan tiger and Indochinese tiger are the same (genetic analysis revealed differences between these two types of tiger). Malayan tiger inhabits dense tropical jungles and areas near the rivers. The greatest threats for the survival of Malayan tiger in the wild are illegal hunting (tiger's bones are used in traditional Asian medicine), conflicts with humans, lack of prey and habitat destruction. Malayan tiger is critically endangered subspecies of tiger with only 250 to 340 animals left in the wild.
Interesting Malayan tiger Facts:
Malayan tiger can reach 70 to 112 inches in length and 52 to 284 pounds of weight.
Malayan tiger has orange-colored body covered with black stripes. White fur can be seen around eyes, on the cheeks and belly. Black stripes are thinner compared with stripes of other tigers and they provide perfect camouflage in the jungle.
Malayan tiger has rough tongue, powerful jaws, large canine teeth, large front paws equipped with sharp, retractable claws, muscular body and long tail.
Malayan tiger is a carnivore. Its diet is based on different types of deer, wild boars and livestock.
Malayan tiger stalks its prey and kills (suffocates) it by grabbing the victim for the neck.
Malayan tiger is valuable for people on the plantations because it keeps number of wild boars under control (wild boars reduce yield of commercially important crops).
Malayan tiger is the apex predator. The only natural enemies of Malayan tigers are humans.
Malayan tiger is solitary animal. It leaves claw marks on the trees to announce occupation of certain territory.
Mating season of Malayan tigers takes place between November and March. Females release specific odor to attract males. Rivals often fight with each other to establish dominance and get opportunity to mate.
Pregnancy in female lasts 3 to 4 months and ends with up to 7 (2 to 4 on average) blind, helpless cubs. Female gives birth in a den (usually inside the cave or in a thick grass).
Cubs depend on the mother's milk until the age of 2 months. After that period they are ready to eat meat. Young Malayan tigers stay with their mother until the age of 18 months.
Malayan tigers have high mortality rate. Only 50% of cubs manage to survive till the age of 2 years.
Females reach sexual maturity at the age of 3 years, males 2 years later, at the age of 5.
Malayan tiger is national symbol of Malaysia. It can be seen on the coat of army of this land.
Malayan tiger can survive 18 to 25 years in the wild.

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