Marsh frog Facts

Marsh frog Facts
Marsh frog is medium-sized frog that belongs to the family of green frogs. It is native to Europe and Asia. Marsh frog inhabits marshes, bogs, lakes and areas near the rivers and streams and spends its entire life in or near the water (hence the nickname "water frog"). Number of marsh frog in some parts of its native range is decreased due to deforestation and pollution of the water and soil. Since global population of this species is large and stable, marsh frog is not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Marsh frog Facts:
Marsh frog can reach 4.7 to 7 inches in length and 0.4 to 0.5 ounces of weight. Marsh frog is the largest species of frog in Europe (compared with other native species of frog). Males are much smaller than females (2/3 of their size).
Marsh frog has warty skin that can be dark green, brown or grey in color. Dorsal side of the body is often covered with dark lines and spots.
Marsh frog has large head with eyes on top of it, robust body and long hind legs with webbed feet that facilitate swimming and movement across the slippery ground.
Marsh frog is an excellent swimmer and great jumper.
Marsh frog is a carnivore. Its diet is based on various insects (dragonflies and flies are its favorite type of food), spiders, earthworms and slugs.
Marsh frog jumps and hides in deep water as soon as it detects danger.
Natural enemies of marsh frogs are birds (such as herons), reptile (such as grass snake), large toads, fish and various species of mammals.
Marsh frog hibernates during the winter. Large groups of marsh frog overwinter in the water, inside abandoned rodent burrows or on the river banks.
Mating season of marsh frog takes place during the spring.
Males gather in big groups at the beginning of the mating season and loudly sing to attract females.
Marsh frog is well known for its laughing calls which is why it is also known as "Laughing frog".
Females produce 1.000 to 16.000 eggs per season. They are arranged in the sticky mass of eggs, called frogspawn, that floats on the surface of the water. Tadpoles emerge from the eggs and transform into froglets between April and November. Marsh frogs reach sexual maturity between the age of 1 to 4 years.
Marsh frog shares many genetic similarities with pool frog. These two species of frog can interbreed in the wild and create hybrid species, known as edible frog.
Marsh frog is often added to the garden ponds to mimic the natural appearance of a pond. This habit results in the increase of number of marsh frogs in non-native areas.
Marsh frog can survive 5 to 10 years in the wild.

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