Mulga snake Facts

Mulga snake Facts
Mulga snake, also known as king brown snake, belongs to the family of black snakes. It can be found only in Australia and southern parts of New Guinea. Mulga snake inhabits tropical forests, scrublands, savannas, sandy deserts, rocky areas and agricultural fields. Name "mulga" refers to the mulga country, type of arid land covered with shrubs (Australian species of acacia), where this snake often resides. Exact number of remaining mulga snakes in the wild is unknown.
Interesting Mulga snake Facts:
Mulga snake can reach 8.2 to 9.8 feet in length and 6.6 to 13.2 pounds of weight. Males are much larger than females.
Mulga snake has brown, reddish or olive-green backs. Color fades on the lateral sides of the body and turns into yellow, orange or pink on the belly. Each scale on dorsal side of the body is dark-colored in the center or on the edges. These bi-colored scales create reticulate appearance.
Mulga snake has wide head, rounded snout, large eyes and robust body covered with smooth, overlapping scales.
Mulga snake has grooved venomous fangs in the front part of the mouth and few solid teeth behind them.
Mulga snake is terrestrial animal that lives in the abandoned burrows, areas under the logs and rocks and in the cracks in the soil.
Mulga snake can be active during the day or night.
Mulga snake is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on lizards, snakes (including venomous snakes), frogs, birds and mammals.
Even though mulga snake tolerates venom of numerous poisonous snakes, it dies after close encounter with poisonous cane toad. This type of toad is responsible for drastic decline in the number of mulga snakes in the northern parts of Australia.
Mulga snake produces large quantities of venom that induces muscle weakness and mild paralysis, nausea, vomiting and lightheadedness in humans. Luckily, antivenin for this venom is available in most hospitals.
Mulga snakes usually attacks in self-defense. Flattened, hood-like neck and arched position of the body are typical signs that precede attack.
Adult mulga snakes do not have much natural predators. Young snakes are often targeted by birds of prey.
Mating season of mulga snakes takes place during the spring. Males compete and fight with each other. They push each other toward the ground using their heads (while their bodies are entwined) to establish dominance and get opportunity to mate.
Female lays 8 to 20 eggs in the burrows or under the logs or rocks. Incubation period lasts 2 to 3 months, depending on the temperature (lower temperature accelerates development in the captivity).
Mulga snake does not show parental care. Eggs are left on their own, as well as young snakes.
Mulga snake can survive 20 to 30 years in the wild.

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