Przewalski's horse Facts

Przewalski's horse Facts
Przewalski’s horse is a type of wild horse. This animal once inhabited steppes, open plains and semi-deserts of Western Europe, Mongolia and China. Unfortunately, number of Przewalski’s horses dropped drastically due to intensive hunt, loss of habitat and increased competition for food and water with domestic cattle during the 20th century. By the late 1960’, Przewalski’s horses went extinct in the wild. Today, around 1200 specimens of Przewalski’s horses can be found in the zoos and private collections throughout the world. Several programs of captive breeding resulted in creation of the new population of Przewalski’s horses that were brought back to the wild (Mongolia) during the 2000’s. Number of Przewalski’s horses is still very low in the wild (few hundreds of animals) and they are listed as critically endangered.
Interesting Przewalski's horse Facts:
Przewalski’s horse can reach 4.65 inches of height at the base of neck, 7 feet of length and 440 to 600 pounds of weight.
Przewalski’s horse is covered with red-brownish or grey-yellowish coat that fades toward the bottom side of the body. Head and neck are darker than the rest of the body. Legs are covered with black bands. Single dark stripe runs from the head to the tip of the tail.
Przewalski’s horse has large head, short neck with erected mane, stocky body and muscular legs.
Przewalski’s horse is grazer. It eats different types of grasses.
Przewalski’s horse spends most of the day in foraging for food. It eats 12 to 15 pounds of grass per day.
Przewalski’s horse uses sharp hooves to excavate the ground in the search for water.
Przewalski’s horse has excellent sense of smell and hearing which are used mostly for detection of potential predators.
Main predators of Przewalski’s horses are wolves.
Przewalski’s horse uses its teeth and strong legs for self-defense. This is the only type of wild horses that humans couldn't tame.
Przewalski’s horses live in groups led by dominant stallion. Young males often form bachelor groups.
Nickering, neighing, snorting and grunting are used to inform other members of the group about upcoming danger, to show aggression or to advertise willingness to mate. Przewalski’s horse also uses body language, such as position of ears and tail, for communication.
Mating season of Przewalski’s horses usually takes place during the spring and summer.
Stallion mates with all receptive females in the group. Pregnancy lasts 11 to 12 months and ends with single baby (foal). Female leaves the group to give birth at hidden place.
Baby is able to walk one hour after birth. It stays with its mother until the age of 2 years, when young animals become sexually mature. Przewalski's horses usually start to breed at the age of 3 years.
Przewalski’s horse can survive up to 20 years in captivity and more than 20 years in the wild.

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