Western brown snake Facts

Western brown snake Facts
Western brown snake, also known as gwardar, belongs to the group of elapid snakes. There are three species of western brown snakes that can be found in South, Central, West and North Australia. Western brown snakes inhabit arid and semi-arid areas, dry forests, grasslands, wooded savannas and scrublands. Number of western brown snakes in the wild is large and stable. These snakes are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Western brown snake Facts:
Western brown snake can reach 4.9 feet in length.
Western brown snake has dark brown or black head. Dorsal side of the body is brown-colored. It can be plain or covered with dark bands or net-like pattern. Belly is creamy-colored and covered with grey, orange or pink spots.
Western brown snakes kept in captivity change color of the skin seasonally. Researchers believe that same thing happens in the wild. Dark-colored snakes are typically seen during the winter. Dark colors absorb more heat from the sun and prevent cooling. Light color of the skin prevents overheating of the body and it is usually seen during the summer.
Western brown snake has small head with chisel-like or rounded snout. It has large eyes and long, slender body covered with smooth, semi-glossy scales. Females are more slender than males.
Western brown snake is able to climb on the trees, but it spends most of its life on the ground.
Western brown snake is diurnal (active during the day), except during extremely hot periods of year when it becomes active during the night.
Western brown snake hunts and eats rodents, lizards, frogs, birds, snakes and eggs.
Western brown snake has short fangs, but it produces strong venom that quickly kills the prey. Venom has neurotoxic (it prevents transmission of neural impulses) and hemotoxic (it induces degradation of blood cells and blood vessels) properties.
Western brown snakes attack humans in self-defense. Before it attacks, snake positions the body in the S-shape and opens its mouth widely. Bite is not very painful, but people should seek medical attention immediately after attack because it may end up fatally.
Predators of western brown snakes are mulga snakes and birds of prey.
Western brown snakes hide in the abandoned underground burrows, cracks in the soil, fallen timber or between the rocks.
Mating season of western brown snakes takes place from spring to mid-summer. Males fight with their heads and bite each other to establish dominance.
Female lays 12 to 38 eggs, 6 to 9 weeks after copulation. Eggs hatch after 61 to 83 days on a temperature of 30 degrees of Celsius. Even though they originate from the same clutch, siblings often do not look alike (they are variously colored and patterned).
Western brown snakes produce more males than females (regardless of the incubation temperature).
Lifespan of western brown snake is unknown.

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