Nathaniel Hawthorne Facts

Nathaniel Hawthorne Facts
Nathaniel Hawthorne was a 19th century American writer, most famous for his novel The Scarlet Letter. He was born Nathaniel Hathorne on July 4th, 1804, in Salem, Massachusetts, to Nathaniel Hathorne, Sr., a sea captain, and Elizabeth Clark Hathorne (Manning). Nathaniel's father died in 1808 and for the next 10 years he lived with his mother's relatives and his sisters in Salem. Nathaniel developed a love of reading at an early age, and decided to become a writer. He attended Bowdoin College, thanks to financial help from his uncles, from 1821 to 1825, where he began to self-publish short stories.
Interesting Nathaniel Hawthorne Facts:
Nathaniel Hawthorne added the 'w' to his surname because of his family's history. His great-great grandfather Jon Hathorne was one of the judges during the Salem Witch Trials and Nathaniel wanted to distance himself from that part of his family history.
Nathaniel Hawthorne graduated from Bowdoin College in 1825.
While at Bowdoin College, Nathaniel Hawthorn became friends with Franklin Pierce. Franklin Pierce would go on to become the 14th U.S. President.
Nathaniel Hawthorne's first novel titled Fanshawe, was published in 1828. E published in anonymously.
In 1832 Nathaniel Hawthorne's short stories Roger Malvin's Burial, and My Kinsman, Major Molineux were published. They are considered to be two of his greatest short stories.
In 1937 Nathaniel's short story collection Twice-Told Tales was published.
Despite his growing writing career it did not pay the bills steadily and Nathaniel took a job at the Boston Custom House, where he weighed and gaged coal and salt for $1500 a year.
In 1942 Nathaniel Hawthorne married Sophia Peabody, and they lived in Concord, Massachusetts at the Old Manse for over three years. The Old Manse was built by the famous writer Ralph Waldo Emerson's grandfather in 1770.
Nathaniel and Sophia had three children. Una (a daughter) was born in 1844. Julian (a son) was born in 1846. Rose (a daughter) was born in 1851.
In 1846 Nathaniel was given a job as surveyor in Salem, but the post did not last long due to political changes and favoritism.
After losing his job as surveyor Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote The Scarlet Letter, which is considered to be his masterpiece. It became one of the very first mass-produced books in America.
Nathaniel's newfound fame as a writer helped him move his family to Lenox, Massachusetts.
Nathaniel became friends with the author of Moby Dick, Herman Melville.
While in Lenox, Nathaniel wrote The House of the Seven Gables, Tanglewood Tales, and Blithedale Romance.
Nathaniel Hawthorne wrote the biography for Franklin Pierce during his campaign to become U.S. President. Once elected Franklin sent Nathaniel to England as American Consul (1853-1857)
Nathaniel wrote the novel Our Old Home, inspired from his time in England.
Nathaniel's last novel was The Marble Faun, which he finished in 1860.
In his last few years Nathaniel had a difficult time writing more work. He appeared unwell, and aged quickly.
Nathaniel Hawthorne died on May 19th, 1864, in his sleep.
Nathaniel's youngest daughter Rose was nominated for sainthood in 2003 for her work in New York City with incurable cancer patients, and for co-founding the Dominican Sisters of Hawthorne, in 1900.

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