Siberian Facts

Siberian Facts
Siberian is a type of semi-longhair domestic cat that originates from Siberia (part of Russia). This is an old breed that exists at least 1.000 years. The most prominent feature of Siberian is its thick coat which represents adaptation to the life in harsh, cold forests in areas with subarctic climate. Siberian plays important role in the Russian folklore. It was used to eliminate rats and mice from the houses and stores in the past, and it is kept mostly as a house pet today. Despite its long history, Siberian has been introduced to the USA "recently" (in 1990).
Interesting Siberian Facts:
Siberian is large cat that can reach 8 to 17 pounds of weight.
Siberian has long, thick triple coat and neck ruff in various colors and patterns. The most popular Siberian cats have brown tabby coat.
Siberian is often classified as hypoallergenic breed, even though this fact is not scientifically proven.
Head of Siberian is broad at the top and narrow at the muzzle. Siberian has large, round yellow-green eyes, medium-sized tufted ears, muscular body, large, furry, round paws and bushy tail.
Siberian is affectionate, calm and playful cat. It is suitable for families with kids, cats and cat-friendly dogs. Despite its large size, Siberian is extremely acrobatic and agile cat that can easily climb to the highest point in the house and perform somersault while it tries to grab its favorite toy.
Siberian is social cat that enjoys to spend time with people. It often follows its owners through the house and "participates" in everyday activities: preparing food, bathing, reading, watching TV....
Siberian is active and intelligent breed. It likes to play with feathery and puzzle toys, chase laser points, climb on a tall cat tree and play fetch. Jewelry should be kept away from this curious cat because of its habit to use all kind of small household items as toys.
Unlike many other cats, Siberian enjoys to play with water. It likes to drink from a tap, splash water from a water dish and play with water in a bathtub.
Siberian can be used as therapy cat because of its calm nature and ability to recognize the person which needs support. It likes to cuddle and doesn't hesitate to show moral and physical support when needed.
Siberian expresses its needs via chirps, thrills and purring and meowing sounds.
Siberian is the national cat of Russia.
Siberian should be brushed once or twice per week to prevent tangling of fur.
Siberian gives birth to 5 to 6 kittens. They reach sexual maturity early, at the age of 5 months, much before they attain adult size - at the age of 5 years.
Siberian is generally healthy breed, but it can suffer from hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.
Siberian has an average lifespan of 11 to 15 years.

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