Radiation Facts

Radiation Facts
Radiation is a term used to describe the emission or the transmission of energy either through a medium or through space as waves or particles. There are different types of radiation including gravitational radiation, acoustic radiation, particle radiation, or electromagnetic radiation. Radiation is classified as either ionizing or non-ionizing. Ionizing radiation is much more dangerous to living organisms while non-ionizing radiation is lower-energy and is not damaging unless it is strong enough to excessively heat tissues and cells. Examples of ionizing radiation include ultraviolet, X-ray, gamma, alpha, beta, and neutron radiation. Examples of non-ionizing radiation includes UV light, visible light, infrared, microwave, radiowave, and very low frequency radiation.
Interesting Radiation Facts:
Chernobyl's power plant is still emitting radiation. If the containment structure collapses, which is possible, more radioactive emissions will leak out.
NYC's Grand Central Station was made with a huge amount of granite, which emits radiation. There is more radiation in the station that a nuclear power plant would allow.
There are radioactive isotopes in cigarette smoke. A smoker receives the equivalent of 300 chest x-rays every year. This is due to the fertilizer chemicals used to grow tobacco.
In 2004 a neutron star blasted earth with more radiation ever recorded, from 50,000 light years away.
Bananas emit radiation in small amounts.
Flight attendants and pilots are exposed to so much radiation from flying that they are considered radiation workers. They are exposed to more than many who work at nuclear power plants.
The Manhattan project tested the effects of nuclear radiation on people. Babies were fed radioactive oatmeal and some people were injected with it.
Marie Curie discovered radium. She died of radiation effects. It was used at one time in a variety of products including candy and toothpaste.
A man once drank 1,400 bottles a health tonic with radium in it. His jaw fell off.
The American flags placed on the moon have faded o white because of the effects of radiation from the sun.
It is estimated that 1% of the static on an analog TV is from the Big Bang cosmic radiation.
People emit more radiation than their cell phones do.
Most of the radiation people are exposed to daily is not harmful because it is non-ionizing.
Inside the Chernobyl reactors grows a type of fungus that actually thrives on radiation.
A toy released in the 1950s had uranium samples in it. It was called the Gilbert U-238 Atomic Energy Laboratory.
One of the firefighters who attended the Chernobyl disaster said his eyes turned blue from the radiation. They were brown before.
10 bananas have the same amount of radiation as a handful of raw uranium ore.
There is a star system called WR 104 that is expected to go supernova in a few thousand years. If its gamma ray burst hits the earth the result may be a mass extinction event.
A person on land receives more radiation than a person in an underground nuclear submarine.
Those living near coal power stations experience more radiation than those living near nuclear power plants.

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