Earthquake Facts

Earthquake Facts
Earthquakes are the sudden shakes that occur on Earth. They are caused by the moving of tectonic plates. When these tectonic plates slide past each other, they tend to squeeze and cause tension. This tension is an earthquake.
Interesting Earthquake Facts:
There are millions of earthquakes each year.
Currently, there is no way to scientifically predict an earthquake.
A seismograph is used to determine the intensity of an earthquake.
A tsunami is the result of an underwater earthquake or volcanic eruption.
The point on the Earth's surface where the earthquake originates is called the epicenter.
The intensity of an earthquake is measured on the Richter scale.
Seismic waves are the waves produced by an earthquake and are most likely responsible for damage.
If the Earth were hollow, people on one side of the Earth would feel earthquakes from the other side of Earth.
The most powerful earthquake ever recorded had a magnitude of 9.5 and occurred in Chile.
Even though the majority of earthquakes occur naturally, some are triggered by volcanic activity.
There are 20, moving tectonic plates that have the potential to cause an earthquake.
In the US, Alaska has more earthquakes than any other state.
The majority of the life that lost in an earthquake is due to falling buildings.
An earthquake in the Indian Ocean was able to generate enough power to use across the globe for 3 days.
Although earthquakes occur in both hemispheres, the northern hemisphere experiences more.

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