Ascension Day Facts

Ascension Day Facts
Ascension Day is a Christian holiday to commemorate the day that Jesus Christ ascended into heaven. It is officially celebrated on the 39th day after Easter Sunday, which is a Thursday and is the 40th day of Easter. Ascension is the day that Jesus returned to heaven, following his crucifixion and resurrection. Although some countries choose to celebrate Ascension Day on the following Sunday, it is traditionally the 6th Thursday following Easter. Ascension Day is also referred to as Ascension Feast and is believed to have originated in the 4th century AD. It is believed that on Ascension Day, Jesus was taken up to heaven where he sat at the right hand of God.
Interesting Ascension Day Facts:
It is believed that after Jesus' resurrection, he spent the next 40 days teaching his disciples how to continue his teachings. On Ascension Day Jesus took his disciples to the Mount of Olives, where they watched him ascend to heaven.
Ascension Day marks the end of Easter's season.
Ascension Day is 10 days before Pentecost.
Ascension Day is celebrated with various symbolic events. Some countries celebrate Ascension Day with a procession while others chase a 'devil' through the streets. They dunk the 'devil' in a pond or burn it in effigy. This is meant to symbolize Jesus' triumph over the devil.
On Ascension Day in England the belief is that eggs laid that day will never rot and they will provide good luck if put on the roof.
Some believe that sunny weather on Ascension Day guarantees a long, hot summer.
Some believe that rain on Ascension Day will result in bad crops and diseased livestock.
Welsh superstition dictates that it is unlucky to do any work on Ascension Day.
Ascension Day in Portugal is said to be associated with prosperity and peace.
In rural communities in Portugal people make olive branch bouquets with daisies, poppies and sheaves of wheat. The wheat and the olives symbolize an abundant harvest, the daisy symbolizes money, and the poppy symbolizes peace. Wheat is also often kept inside the home throughout the rest of the year to symbolize prosperity.
In many countries Ascension Day is also celebrated with special services at churches.
Some countries celebrate Ascension Day (Thursday) as a public holiday, which results in many workers taking a long weekend from work.
Ascension Day is also referred to as Holy Thursday, and Ascension Thursday.
Ascension Day is a public holiday in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Indonesia, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, and Vanuatu.
In Australia, the United States, the United Kingdom, and in Canada Ascension Day is not a federal public holiday.
In the countries where Ascension Day is a public holiday, schools, banks, government offices and many businesses are closed.
On Ascension Day in 1503 an island was discovered in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean. It is a volcanic island named because of the day it was discovered.
In the United States the Amish go fishing on Ascension Day, and Italians used to bring grapes and beans to church for blessing.

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