Prehistoric Facts

Prehistoric Facts
Prehistoric, also known as prehistory is the time period before records were taken. Records are some form of written history so during prehistoric times there was no form of a writing system. The term was first introduced into human existence in the 1830s in France when drawings were found on cave walls. Sometimes prehistoric refers to the time since the Universe began but when most people talk about prehistoric times they are referring to the time since life began on Earth.
Interesting Prehistoric Facts:
Although Earth is over 4 billion years old, humans have only existed about 190,000 years.
Life in the form of bacteria has existed for just a little over 3 billion years.
The Mesozoic Era is the time when dinosaurs ruled the Earth and humans did not appear until 64 million years later.
Human life is said to have begun in Africa where humans lived in caves.
There is not much known about prehistoric times but what we do know has been discovered in caves.
Archaeologists are scientists who study caves and ancient artifacts.
Radiocarbon dating is used to find out the age of ancient artifacts.
Radiocarbon dating is only an effective method for artifacts that are less than 50,000 years old.
Prehistoric times are further divided into different eras based on the tools and weapons that man used.
Hominids are animals that looked and behaved similar to humans and lived during prehistoric times.
Although dinosaurs were very large in size, they had very tiny brains.
There are over 700 different, named species of dinosaurs to date.
Plants probably emerged during the time of the dinosaurs about 80 million years ago.
Prehistoric times are typically divided into three separate eras: the Stone Age, Bronze Age, and Iron Age.
During the Stone Age, humans used stone tools and during the Bronze Age, humans began using different metals.

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Prehistoric Facts
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