Riiser-Larsen Sea Facts

Riiser-Larsen Sea Facts
The Riiser-Larsen Sea is located in the Southern Ocean, south of the Indian Ocean and off eastern Antarctica. It is considered to be a marginal sea of the Southern Ocean, named after a Norwegian polar explorer and aviation pioneer named Hjalmar Riiser-Larsen, in 1962 by the Soviet Antarctic Expedition. The name is not recognized in the US or British world atlases but it is used in Russian and Soviet maps.
Interesting Riiser-Larsen Sea Facts:
The International Hydrographic Organization has not recognized the name Riiser-Larsen Sea, which was proposed by the Soviet Union. The IHO document, which remains in force, does not include the name Riisen-Larsen Sea.
The Riiser-Larsen Sea covers an area of 1,138,000 km2. Depths in most areas reach further than 3,000 meters.
The Riiser-Larsen Sea is bordered by the Cosmonauts Sea to its east and the Lazarev Sea to its west.
The northern border of the Riiser-Larsen Sea is the 65th parallel south.
The Riiser-Larsen Sea is covered by ice most of the year and its seabed is considered to be relatively flat.
The Riiser-Larsen Sea's bedrock is believed to be the oldest in the area around Antarctica.
There are two dozen canyons in the Riiser-Larsen Sea. These include buried canyons and surface canyons.
It is believed that the buried canyons formed when grounded icebergs reached the continental shelf edge.
It is believed that the Riisen-Larsen Sea, Weddell Sea, West Somali Basin, and Mozambique Basin opened during the late Jurassic period due to rifting that results from the breakup up of Gondwana that began in the Early Jurassic period.

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