Volleyball Facts

Volleyball Facts
Volleyball is a sport played by two teams of six players on a court separated by a net, in which each team tries to score by causing the ball to land on the opposite team's court. Volleyball was invented by William G. Morgan on February 9th, 1895, in Holyoke, Massachusetts. Morgan was a YMCA director who created the game to be played indoors, and originally called it Mintonette - a cross between badminton, handball and tennis. At the first exhibition game of the new sport in 1896 it was renamed volley ball (later volleyball), because of the volleying nature of the sport. The sport grew in popularity around the world and became an Olympic sport in 1964.
Interesting Volleyball Facts:
The first ball to be specially designed for volleyball was created in either 1896 by Spalding, or in 1900. The date is still disputed.
In the 1920s the first beach volleyball courts were constructed in Santa Monica, California.
In the 1930s variations of the game were introduced to include two, three, or four person teams.
The first two man game of volleyball played on the beach took place in 1930.
The first World Championships for men in volleyball was held in 1949.
The first World Championships for women in volleyball was held in 1952.
A one-handed block in volleyball is referred to as a Kong, named after King Kong and the way he swatted planes from the top of the Empire State Building in New York City in his movies.
A pepper in volleyball is a practice drill without a net.
A dig in volleyball is when a player bounces the ball with both arms into the air, usually followed up by a spike by another player.
A block in volleyball is a jump at the net to stop a spike from the other team.
A facial in volleyball is a spike to the face.
A spike in volleyball is a hard smash of the ball over the net.
A hold in volleyball is when the ball rests in someone's hands prior to release.
On average a volleyball player will jump 300 times in one game.
The longest volleyball game on record took place on Kingston, N.C. and lasted 75 hours and 30 minutes.
A volleyball court is 29 feet, 6 inches wide by 59 feet. The net is 7 feet, 11 5/8ths high for men. For women it is 7 feet, 4 1/8th inches high.
The six positions on a volleyball team include the setter, server, blocker, spiker, passer, and the digger.
Every week in the United States approximately 46 million people play volleyball. Worldwide this number is 800 million players a week.
The most common volleyball injuries include ACL (anterior cruciate ligament) injuries, knee injuries, finger injuries, shoulder injuries, lower back injuries, rotator cuff tendinitis, and ankle injuries.
Some of the most successful male volleyball players who have been inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame include Michael O'Hara, Rolf Engen, Thomas Haine, and Jon Stanley.
Some of the most successful female volleyball players who have been inducted into the Volleyball Hall of Fame include Flo Hyman, Jane Ward, Kathy Gregory, and Mary Jo Peppler.

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