The Function Of Golgi Bodies

The Golgi body is an organelle found in most eukaryotic cells. Also referred to as the Golgi apparatus or the Golgi complex, it's part of the cell's endomembrane system.

The Golgi body has a number of functions, including sorting and processing proteins. Proteins are synthesized in the rough endoplasmic reticulum, then they travel to the Golgi body. While in the Golgi body, they are processed and sent throughout the cell. The Golgi body is also responsible for determining which proteins are to be transported outside the cell.

Scientists had discovered the Golgi body long before they knew what it does. Since it is fairly large compared to other cellular components, its size led it to discovered long before its function was known.

Its role was only determined in the 20th century when microscope technology became more advanced, helping researchers understand that it was present in both animal and plant cells.

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