
1st Grade Math Skill Practice

Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Three numbers addition
Word problems - adding three numbers
Addition facts
Fact families
True or false - addition sentences
Which sign makes the number sentence true?
True or false - addition and subtraction sentences
Addition with pictures - sums to 10
Addition sentences - sums to 10
Word problems - addition sums to 10
Word problems - write the addition sentence
Word problems - addition sums to 18
Addition and numbers
Addition sentences to make a number
Adding zero
Adding doubles
Addition facts - sums to 10
Number line addition sentences up to 18
Addition facts - sums to 18
Addition using doubles plus 1
Addition using doubles minus 1
Addition facts - sums to 20
Adding 0
Adding 1
Adding 2
Adding 3
Adding 4
Adding 5
Adding 6
Adding 7
Adding 8
Adding 9
Pictures subtractions numbers up to 10
Subtraction sentences up to 10
One digit subtraction word problems
Word problems - write the subtraction sentence
Word problems - subtraction numbers up to 18
Word problems - addition and subtraction
Word problems - comparison
Word problems - customary units of length
Word problems - metric units of length
Subtraction fact families
Subtraction sentences to make a number
Number line subtraction sentences up to 10
Subtraction and numbers
Subtracting zero and all
Subtracting doubles
Subtraction facts up to 10
Number line subtraction sentences up to 18
Subtraction facts up to 18
One digit subtracting numbers with two digit numbers
Subtracting 0
Subtracting 1
Subtracting 2
Subtracting 3
Subtracting 4
Subtracting 5
Subtracting 6
Subtracting 7
Subtracting 8
Subtracting 9
Addition and subtraction - ways to make a number
Addition and subtraction facts up to 10
Addition and subtraction facts up to 18
Number & Operations in Base Ten

Counting Sequence
Counting up to 10
Counting up to 20
Counting up to 30
Counting up to 100
Counting on the hundred chart
Writing numbers in words
Skip-counting patterns - with tables
Sequences - count up and down by 1, 2, 3, 5, and 10
Counting forward and backward
Place Value
Comparing numbers up to 100
Ordering numbers
Counting tens and ones up to 20
Counting tens and ones up to 99
Hundred chart
Tens and ones
Count to fill a ten frame
Write tens and ones - up to 30
Write tens and ones - up to 100
Counting review up to 20
Counting tens and ones up to 20
Place value
Writing numbers as tens and ones up to 20
Counting by twos, fives and tens with pictures
Counting by twos, fives, and tens
Counting by tens up to 100
Count on ten frames - up to 40
Identifying tens and ones - up to 99
Properties of Operations
One digit addition number using two digit number without regrouping
Regrouping tens and ones
One digit addition number using two digit number with regrouping
Ten more or less
Subtracting tens
Adding and subtracting tens
Measurement & Data

Measuring Lengths
Comparing objects - length and height
Word problems - comparing customary units of length
Word problems - comparing metric units of length
Left, middle, and right
Measuring objects
Telling Time
Reading clocks
Clocks and times
Analog and digital clocks
Choose the appropriate time units
Read a calendar
Months of the year
Days of the week
Match digital clocks and times
Match analog clocks and times
Match analog and digital clocks
Read clocks and write times
A.M. or P.M.
Represent and Interpret Data
Comparing review
Interpreting data in tally charts, picture graphs, tables
Interpreting bar graphs

Identify Shapes
Two dimensional shapes
Count sides and vertices
Count edges, vertices, and faces
Compare sides and vertices
Compare edges, vertices, and faces
Opening and closing shapes
Identical shapes
Two or Three-Dimensional Shapes
Flip, turn, and slide
Two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes
Name the three-dimensional shape
Count vertices, edges, and faces
Compare vertices, edges, and faces
Partitioned Circles & Rectangles
Halves, thirds, and fourths
Equal parts
Identifying shapes
Matching fractions
Compare fractions
Equivalent Fractions
Simple fractions: what fraction does the shape show?
Simple fractions: which shape matches the fraction?