
4th Grade Math Skill Practice

Operations & Algebraic Thinking

One - Step Problems
Missing factors - facts to 12
Properties of multiplication
Word problems - estimating products
Multiplying a 2 digit word problems with 2 digit numbers
Multiplying a 2 digit word problems with larger numbers
Multiplying word problems with ending in zeroes
Division word problems facts to 12
Word problems - divide larger numbers and one digit divisors
Word problems - divide numbers ending in zeroes and multi digit divisors
Dividing word problems by 2 digit numbers
Dividing word problems larger numbers by 2 digit numbers
Word problems - addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Word problems - estimate sums, differences, products, and quotients
Multiplication - money word problems
Multiplying customary units
Metric and customary units
Multi-Step Problems
Dividing 1 digit numbers with interpreting remainders
Multi step word problems
Word problems - advanced
Word problems - variable expressions
Word problems - variable equations
Sum, difference, product, and quotient based on advanced numbers
Factors & Multiples
Prime and composite numbers
Multiples - numbers up to 12
Identify factors
Divisibility rules
Prime and composite - up to 20
Prime and composite - up to 100
Choose the multiples of a given number up to 12
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division - input/output tables
Geometric growth patterns
Increasing growth patterns
Word problems - Numeric patterns
Addition and multiplication patterns
Mixed patterns
Time patterns
Complete an increasing number pattern
Use a rule to complete a number pattern
Number & Operations in Base Ten

Place Value & Expanded Form
Place values
Convert between place values
Convert between standard and expanded form
Compare Whole Numbers
Word names for numbers
Compare numbers up to billions
Inequalities with multiplication
Inequalities with division
Inequalities involving addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division
Rounding multi digit whole numbers
Estimate sums
Word problems - estimate sums
Estimate differences
Word problems - estimate differences
Estimate products
Estimate quotients, one-digit divisors
Estimate quotients
Add & Subtract Whole Numbers
Adding numbers up to millions
Word problems - adding numbers up to millions
Addition - missing digits
Add 3 or more numbers up to millions
Sum and numbers
Subtract numbers up to millions
Word problems - subtracting numbers up to millions
Subtraction - missing digits
Difference and numbers
Multiplying 1 digit numbers with larger numbers
Multiply a 2-digit number by a 2-digit number
Multiply numbers ending in zeroes
Multiplication input/output tables
Multiplication input/output tables: find the rule
Properties of division
Dividing larger numbers - one digit divisors
Divide numbers ending in zeroes, one-digit divisors
Number & Operations Fractions

Equivalent Fractions
Equivalent fractions
Patterns of equivalent fractions
Reduce fractions to lowest terms
Compare Fractions
Compare fractions
Ordering fractions
Inequalities with addition and subtraction of fractions
Decompose Fractions
Adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
Add three or more fractions with like denominators
Add & Subtract Fractions & Mixed Numbers
Add and subtract fractions with like denominators
Add 3 or more fractions with like denominators
Add and subtract mixed numbers with like denominators
Word problems - adding and subtracting fractions with like denominators
Multiply by Fractions
Multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Word problems - multiplying fractions by whole numbers
Decimal Fractions
Fractions with denominators of 10, 100, and 1000
Adding and subtracting fractions with denominators of 10, 100, and 1000
Convert fractions and mixed numbers to decimals
Convert decimals to fractions and mixed numbers
Compare Decimals
Compare money amounts
Compare decimal numbers
Ordering decimal numbers

Geometry Terms
Acute, right, obtuse, and straight angles
Lines, line segments, and rays
Parallel, perpendicular, intersecting
Classify 2-Dimensional Figures
Identify planar and solid figures
Types of triangles
Two dimensional shapes
Classify quadrilaterals
Number of sides in polygons
Parts of a circle
Lines of symmetry
Measurement & Data

Compare & Convert Units
Compare and convert customary units
Compare and convert metric units
Convert mixed customary units
Convert time units
Fractions of time units
Converting time units
Compare and convert customary units of length
Compare and convert customary units of weight
Compare and convert customary units of volume
Compare and convert metric units of length
Compare and convert metric units of weight
Compare and convert metric units of volume
Measurement Problems
Unit prices
Add and subtract mixed customary units
Elapsed time
Telling time - multi step word problems
Adding and subtracting mixed time units
Adding and subtracting mixed customary units
Adding and subtracting metric mixed units
Money word problems
Money - addition and subtraction
Money - multiplication
Comparing money amounts
Add, subtract, multiply, and divide money amounts
Round money amounts
Count coins and bills - up to $5 bill
Perimeter & Area
Area of squares and rectangles
Area and perimeter
Relationship between area and perimeter
Word problems - area and perimeter
Data Displays & Analysis
Interpreting line plots
Angles with reference to circle
Angles of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees
Angle measurements estimation
Adjacent angles
Measuring angles with protractor