
Kindergarten Math Skill Practice

Counting & Cardinality

Count Sequence
Skip counting sequence
Counting up with numbers using hundred chart
Counting forward up to 10
Counting forward up to 20
Counting pictures 0 to 20
Counting Objects
Numbers of names up to 20
Count to 10
Counting on ten frames up to 3
Counting on ten frames up to 5
Counting on ten frames up to 10
Representing numbers up to 20
Compare Numbers
Fewer and more
Comparing two numbers up to 10
Operations & Algebraic Thinking

Pictures addition sentences up to 5
Adding two numbers - sums up to 5
Pictures addition sentences up to 10
Adding two numbers - sums up to 10
Addition sentences - sums up to 10
Word problems - addition sums up to 10
Addition sentences - sums up to 10
Addition sentences - sums equal to 10
Pictures subtraction sentences up to 5
Subtraction - numbers up to 5
Pictures subtraction sentences up to 10
Subtraction - numbers up to 9
Subtraction sentences - numbers up to 10
Word problems - subtraction numbers up to 9
Number & Operations in Base Ten

Place Value
Counting tens and ones up to 20
Writing tens and ones up to 20
Measurement & Data

Measurable Attributes
Measuring the length of objects
Tall and short
Light and heavy
Classify Objects
Identical and different
Classifying by color
Classify and sort by color
Classify and sort by shape
Classify and sort
Ordering numbers up to 10
Ordering numbers up to 30
Interpreting graphs

Identify Shapes
Location in a grid
Identifying solid figures
Relate planar and solid figures
Analyze Shapes
Count sides and corners