Robert A. Millikan Timeline
Timeline Description: Robert Millikan was a noted scientist of his day. He helped bring an understanding of science to the common man, and he made leaps and bounds in the field during his career.

Date Event
March 22, 1868 Robert Millikan is born

Robert was born into a family that had emigrated from England. He was born and raised in Illinois.
1880's Robert's school years

In his childhood, Robert attended school with his peers. He attended Maquoket High School while also working as a court reporter.
1893 College graduation

Robert studied at Oberlin College once he'd left high school. He eventually graduated with a master's degree in physics.
1895 Columbia University

Robert then moved on to Columbia University. There he would earn his PhD in physics.
1896 Working at the University of Chicago

After graduation, Robert was given an assistant's position within the college. He maintained this position for several years.
1902 Marriage

After meeting a woman named Greta Blanchard, Robert became engaged and married to her. They had three children.
1908 Robert's first attempt at writing a book

Robert had a deep desire to help everyone understand science. Because of this, he wrote his first book titled Electricity, Sound and Light.
1909 Experiments

Fully immersed in physics, Robert began experimenting with electrical charges, and electrons. His experiment became known as the Millikan oil-drop experiment.
1910 University of Chicago

Robert continued his work at the University of Chicago as a professor, in their newly opened Ryerson Laboratory. He worked there for many years, until he left in 1921.
1921 California Institute of Technology

When Robert left Chicago, he went to the California Institute of Technology. As their director, he took CIT to a new level of scientific excellence, and CIT became famous for its contributions to science.
1920's Cosmic rays

During his time at CIT, Robert took on a study of the radiation that had been detected coming from space. The study proved the existence of these rays, and Robert dubbed them "cosmic rays."
1923 The Nobel Prize

Robert's work proved some of Einstein's theories of science, and he was widely praised for his effort. In 1923 he was awarded the Nobel Prize.
1923 Another book

Robert's second book about science for the masses was called Science and Life. He went on to write two other books.
1945 Retirement

After many years dedicated to advancing science, Robert finally retired. When he left CIT, or CalTech, he had turned it into one of the leading science facilities in the country.
December 19, 1953 Robert's death

Robert A. Millikan died in California. He had spent his life for the scientific community, and his work has lived on through the years.