A Lot vs. Allot

A Lot vs. Allot

People often misspell the word alot, thinking they are referring to an abundance of something. In reality, the word "alot" does not exist. However there are two words, a lot and allot that are pronounced the same and mean different things. Let's look at these words so that you will know how to use them correctly.

A lot is the word that means an abundance of something. It is used as a noun. Notice the spelling-it is actually two words. When you use this word, make sure that you are writing it as two separate words.

1. We are supposed to get a lot of rain over the next few days.

2. Marvin has a lot of sisters, and he likes to play outside to get away from them.

3. Lorie likes to read, so she has a lot of books on a bookshelf in her room.

4. There sure are a lot of flies in this barn, and I think they are bothering the horses.

The word allot, which is one word, means to give or partition out to different people.

1. Each student was allotted five tickets to the graduation ceremony.

2. Mom allotted chores to all three children equally.

3. The government allots tax money to different projects as needed.

4. Mrs. Crane allotted each member of the group a portion of the project to complete.

To summarize, a lot of people misuse this word, or at least misspell it. If you allot just a little time to understanding how these words are used, you will not regret it!

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