Avenge vs. Revenge

Avenge vs. Revenge

While they are small word parts, prefixes can make a huge difference in the meaning of a word. These two words-avenge and revenge-are the same except for their different prefixes. Let's take a look at the meanings of these words and their prefixes to determine how they should be used in context.

Avenge is a verb meaning to harm in return for a harm done to self or other. The prefix "a" means "on" or "towards." The root word "venge" means vindicate. So, avenge literally means vindication on or towards someone else. Avenge is typically used in contexts where the person who performs the vengeful act is seeking justice for a wrong.

1. I must avenge my best friend's embarrassment by finding a way to embarrass her ex-boyfriend.

2. Families of murder victims often seek to avenge their loved one's death by ensuring that the murderer receives a life sentence.

Revenge is a noun or a verb that means to inflict (or the act of inflicting) harm on someone because of a wrong or a perceived wrong. The prefix "re" means again, so revenge is more about getting even. The other person harmed you, so you are seeking to harm them back, or to "venge" again.

1. Kevin got revenge against his sister by locking her in the bathroom.

2. The cruel joke we played on the teacher was revenge for the mountain of homework she gave us.

3. While revenge might feel good, it might only serve to make the other person angry with you.

In summary, both words have to do with retaliation for a wrong, but avenge is used in contexts where the goal is justice, and revenge is used in context where the goal is to get even.

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