Beside vs. Besides

Beside vs. Besides

In the English language, we have many words that mean similar things, are spelled in similar ways, or are pronounced similarly. It's not hard to understand why beside and besides are easily and often confused. The only difference in their spelling is an "s," and they can both function as the same part of speech. However, there is a difference in the meaning of these two words. So, let' put them beside each other and look carefully at how you should use them.

Beside functions as a preposition, and it means next to or in comparison to.

1. Jessica sits beside me in Mr. Johnson's math class.

2. My hand-me-down clothes look frumpy beside Jeff's brand new ones.

3. As you set the table, put the napkins beside each plate.

Besides is a word that functions in two different ways. As a preposition, besides means apart from. Besides can also function as an adverb meaning "and another thing."

1. Besides Karen, who forgot their homework today?

2. I don't feel like going swimming; besides, it's going to rain and storm today.

3. I don't know anyone here besides Morgan, so I am feeling a little uncomfortable.

An easy way to think about these words is that beside means next to and besides means apart from or in addition to. Also, beside is much more about actual physical location, while besides is more of an abstract.

I am sure there are many people besides you who do not understand how to use these words, but now that you have seen them beside each other, I hope you have a better understanding!

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