Inter vs. Intra

Inter vs. Intra

Inter and intra are both prefixes. A prefix is added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning. Inter and intra can be used with the same words: international and intranational; intermural and intramural. These words mean opposite things, and what changes the meaning of the word is the prefix! Let's take a closer look at the meanings of inter and intra.

Inter is a prefix that means between or among. If a word has the prefix inter, it implies that the thing exists or happens between or among two or more different things.

1. We left our home in Georgia and traveled on the interstate to get to Kentucky.

2. The problem of poverty is international, as there are poor people in every country on earth.

3. For the United States to combat terrorism, there must be interagency cooperation in the federal government.

Intra is a prefix that means within. If a word has the prefix intra, it means that something is occurring or existing within a set space.

1. Our university has intramural sports, meaning that there are teams of students who all go to this university and we play each other.

2. When he hit his head in the car crash, the man suffered an intracranial bleed in his brain.

3. The doctor specializes in intracardiac medicine, so he is the perfect person to fix the heart valve that is giving you problems.

As you can see, these prefixes are antonyms-meaning the opposite of each other! Inter is between and intra is within!

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