Nurse practitioner vs. Physician assistant
Both nurse practitioner (NP) and physician assistant (PA) are health care professionals who can carry out some of the duties of a physician. The qualifications vary from state to state, but include a Bachelor's and Master's degree in one of a few select fields.
A nurse practitioner is a registered nurse who is able to take on some of the duties of a physician due to advanced training. A nurse practitioner may work along with a physician or work independently.
A physician assistant is a person who is licensed to perform basic medical duties, such as diagnosis and treatment of common ailments, under the supervision of a licensed physician. Although a physician assistant works under the supervision of a physician, the physician does not necessarily have to be present or on site.
Seeing a nurse practitioner or physician assistant for health care can be quicker and less expensive than seeing a doctor. However, patients with serious health needs may be referred to a doctor for further care.
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