Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist

Optometrist vs. Ophthalmologist

Both optometrists and ophthalmologists are considered "eye doctors." Optometrists deal exclusively with the eye, mainly with vision but also minor diseases and injuries. Ophthalmologists are surgeons who deal with structures beyond the eye (including the brain) to treat disease and injury. Ophthalmologists are qualified to diagnose vision problems and prescribe glasses.

An optometrist is a health care professional who examines eyes and treats vision problems, including by the prescription of eyeglasses. A Doctor of Optometry (O.D.) must complete 8 years of higher education.

An ophthalmologist is a physician who diagnoses and treats diseases of the eye. In order to be fully credentialed as a physician, an ophthalmologist must complete 8 years of higher education plus a surgical residency.

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