Relativist Fallacy Examples
A fallacy is when mistaken logic is used to argue a point. In a relativist fallacy, someone argues that truth is relative-that a point applies to one person but not to another. This is a subjective argument. A common example is that someone believes that an argument is true for other people, but not for him/herself. So, they reject the argument for themselves.
1. You tell a friend, "Eating salads more often would be good for you." He says, "Salads may be healthy, but not for me."
2. Smoking has been proven to be unhealthy, but Chad argues that he has smoked for years and is healthy as a horse.
3. The teacher tells a student that he is contradicting himself. The student replies, "Contradictions may not be okay in your linear, oppressive world, but they are okay in mine."
4. It may be true for you that studying leads to better grades, but that's not true for me.
5. It may be true that cars cause pollution, but my car doesn't.
6. Teacher, you may want your class to start at 8:05, but in my world, class doesn't start until 8:10.
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