Abstract Nouns Examples
Remember that a noun is the word for a person, place, or thing.
There is also another type of noun-an idea. Abstract nouns are nouns that are not concrete things. You can't hold them or touch them, but they are "ideas". Abstract nouns are words for ideas, feelings, or experiences.
Love-Love is a wonderful thing!
Peace-Let there be peace on Earth.
Fear-I was full of fear.
Freedom-Freedom is important to people in the United States.
Dream-I had a dream last night.
Anger-His anger caused him to yell.
Joy-Her face was full of joy.
Misery-I could feel the misery in his frown.
Friendship-Our friendship has lasted for many years.
Pride-Do you feel the pride?
Famous Quotations with Abstract Nouns
"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed." Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Love is patient; Love is kind." 1 Corinthians; The Bible
"There is a certain enthusiasm in liberty that makes human nature rise above itself, in acts of bravery and heroism." Alexander Hamilton
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