Concrete Nouns Examples

Concrete Nouns

A noun is a part of speech that refers to a person, place, thing, or idea. A concrete noun refers to a person, place, or thing that you experience through your 5 senses. The 5 senses are sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. A concrete noun is the opposite of an abstract noun, which refers to something that you cannot experience with your 5 senses (i.e. "freedom" or "love" or even a day of the week like "Friday").

For many concrete nouns, they are physically concrete. This means that you can see them and touch them. Some concrete nouns are things that you might not be able to see or touch, but that you can hear. For example, "noise" or "commotion" (What is all that noise? Who is making such a commotion?). These are nouns because they refer to a thing. You might not be able to see or touch "noise" or "commotion," but you can hear it. So, that makes it more concrete than something abstract like "freedom" or "love".

Examples of Concrete Nouns:

Person: Mom, Boy, Firefighter, Mr. Jones

Place: House, School, Bedroom, Wal-Mart

Thing: Banana, Noise, Desk, Sock, Vanilla

Examples of Concrete Nouns in a Sentence

The house at the end of the street belongs to Mark.

There is a snake in the grass and I hear a rattling noise.

Where did I leave my book about little brown bats?

For dinner, we had steak, potatoes, salad, and cookies for dessert.

I wonder if Mr. Harris will let us use our phones on Friday?

My dog likes to eat bread, but we try to feed him dogfood instead.

I left my backpack on the bus, so Mr. Smith, our driver, had to bring it to my classroom.

The picture you painted of a tree is very pretty.

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