Paralipsis Examples
1. It looks like you spent a lot of money today, not to mention that you borrowed $40.00 from me yesterday.
2. I'm not saying that you are responsible for the mess in this classroom, but it should be cleaned up immediately.
3. It's not that I care whether you bring a dog to live with us, but I am allergic.
4. I don't want to tell you that Cathy hid your shoes under the bed.
5. It's not like Mary is hiding in the closet or anything.
Examples of Paralipsis from Literature
1. "It is not meet you know how Caesar loved you. You are not wood, you are not stones, but men; And, being men, bearing the will of Caesar, It will inflame you, it will make you mad. 'Tis good you know not that you are his heirs." Julius Caesar, Shakespeare
2. " Did Michael Cassio, When you wooed my lady, know of your love? He did from first to lost. Why dost thou ask? But for a satisfaction of my thought; No further harm" Othello, Shakespeare
3. The music, the service at the feast, The noble gifts for the great and small, The rich adornment of Theseus's palace All these things I do not mention now. The Canterbury Tales, Chaucer
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