Suffix Examples


A suffix is a word part that is added to the end of a word. The suffix changes the meaning of the word. Suffixes can also change the number of a noun, or the tense of a verb.

Examples of Suffix:

-ed makes most verbs past tense (wash = washed; talk = talked; call = called)

-s makes most nouns plural (boy = boys; phone = phones; parent = parents)

-es makes some nouns plural (box = boxes; church = churches)

-ful means "full of" (joy = joyful; tear = tearful; care = careful)

-able means "able to" (bend=bendable; read=readable; excite=excitable)

-ant means "a person who" (apply = applicant; serve = servant)

-est means "most" (big = biggest; fast = fastest; quiet = quietest)

-hood means "state" (child = childhood; parent = parenthood)

-ish means "relating to" (child = childish; boy = boyish; self = selfish)

-less means "without" (fear = fearless; care = careless; friend = friendless)

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