Body Paragraph Examples
A complete piece of writing has a beginning, middle, and end. This applies to narrative stories as well as non-fiction texts. In a non-fiction essay, the "middle" of the text is made up of body paragraphs. After an introduction that introduces the topic and includes a thesis statement, the writer constructs body paragraphs that support the thesis statement. Then, the end of the text is a concluding paragraph or section.
Body paragraphs of an essay contain topic sentences and evidence that supports the thesis statement. This evidence can be in the form of examples and facts that illustrate and support the topic sentence. In addition, the body paragraph can include supporting evidence from one or more texts. This is called "textual evidence." For example, a writer can use other articles and books to support his or her assertions in the essay.
To write a well constructed body paragraph you must include the following:
1. Topic sentence
2. Supporting details and evidence
3. A concluding sentence
4. Transition words and phrases to link the thoughts in the paragraph together
The following body paragraph might appear in an essay about why a school should use uniforms for students.
If students in our school were required to wear uniforms, instances of bullying and teasing would decrease. In a survey of students, 60% of students reported that they had been teased or bullied because of their clothing. If all students were required to wear a similar uniform, this type of behavior would decrease. In addition, 73% of students responded that school uniforms would help to create a sense of unity and family in the school. When students feel a sense of unity and connection to the school and their peers, they are less likely to tease each other. School uniforms would help to create unity and decrease bullying and teasing between students.
The following body paragraph might appear in an essay about why Atticus Finch is a hero in Harper Lee's To Kill a Mockingbird.
Heroes are often given a difficult, seemingly impossible task. Atticus is given the task of defending Tom Robinson, a black man who is accused of abusing a white woman. During the trial, Atticus shows his bravery by confronting racism and prejudice. He does not flinch as he works to point out that the real abuser is Mayella Ewell's father by pointing out that Tom Robinson does not have use of his left hand, but that Mr. Ewell is left-handed. Mayella was beat up on her left side. Atticus finishes his task of defending Tom Robinson, but in a prejudiced, Jim Crow South, the jury still finds Tom guilty. Yet, the black community in Maycomb acknowledges the hero as he leaves the courtroom:
Someone was punching me, but I was reluctant to take my eyes from the people below us, and from the image of Atticus's lonely walk down the aisle.
'Miss Jean Louise?"
I looked around. They were standing. All around us and in the balcony on the opposite wall, the Negroes were getting to their feet. Reverend Sykes's voice was as distant as Judge Taylor's:
'Miss Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passin'.' (Lee, Chapter 21).
While the official verdict in the trial was "guilty," in the hearts of most of Maycomb, Atticus successfully defended Tom Robinson and completed the impossible task.
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