Black-speckled palm viper Facts

Black-speckled palm viper Facts
Black-speckled palm viper is species of venomous snake that belongs to the family of vipers. It can be found only in Panama and Costa Rica. Black-speckled palm viper inhabits cold, moist mountainous forests, on the altitude of 3.700 to 9.800 feet. Black-speckled palm viper is rarely seen in the wild because of its arboreal life style and secretive nature. Greatest threat for the survival of black-speckled palm vipers in the wild is habitat destruction due accelerated development of agriculture and urbanization. Exact number of remaining black-speckled palm vipers is unknown.
Interesting Black-speckled palm viper Facts:
Black-speckled palm viper can reach 31 inches in length.
Black-speckled palm viper has emerald green or (rarely) yellow green body covered with numerous black markings on the back and lateral sides of the body. Belly is paler, yellowish green in color and only slightly mottled.
Scientific name of black-speckled palm viper name is Bothriechis nigroviridis. Name refers to specific color of the body ("nigro" = "black", "viridis" = "green" in Latin).
Black-speckled palm viper has wide head, dark eyes with vertical pupils and slender body. It has black tongue and large venomous fangs, located in the front part of the mouth.
Body of black-speckled palm viper is covered with keeled scales.
Black-speckled palm viper can be active both during the day and night, depending on the habitat. Inhabitants of forests on the lower altitude are usually active during the night (nocturnal). Black-speckled palm vipers from the forests on the higher altitude often hunt during the day (diurnal).
Black-speckled palm viper is adapted to the life in the trees (arboreal creature). It has long prehensile tail which facilitates climbing and movement in the treetops.
Black-speckled palm viper is an ambush predator (it hunts using the element of surprise).
Black-speckled palm viper is equipped with heat-sensing pits, organs which detect heat of various (especially warm-blooded) creatures. Heat-sensing pits are located between the eyes and nostrils. Black-speckled palm viper uses heat-sensing pits to find its next meal.
Black-speckled palm viper is a carnivore (meat-eater). Its diet is based on various small animals such as lizards, frogs and birds.
Most terrestrial pit vipers deliver venom in the prey and leave it to die. Later, they follow scent trail to find and swallow their victims. Unlike them, black-speckled palm viper holds its prey tightly until it becomes safe for consumption.
Black-speckled palm viper produces strong venom which induces breathing difficulties, nausea and death (if left untreated).
Little is known about reproductive behavior of black-speckled palm vipers.
Closely related species of palm vipers reach sexual maturity at the age of 2 years. Females give birth to 9 to 16 live babies after gestation period of around 6 months.
Black-speckled palm can survive 8 to 10 years in the wild.

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