Clark's nutcracker Facts

Clark's nutcracker Facts
Clark's nutcracker is a songbird that belongs to the crow family. It can be found in the western parts of the USA and southwestern parts of Canada. Clark's nutcracker inhabits coniferous forests on the altitude from 3.000 to 12.000 feet. Major threat for the survival of Clark's nutcracker is lack of food due to fungal infections and increased number of pest insects which reduce number of conifers in the wild. Clark's nutcracker is also sensitive to climate changes and habitat destruction (deforestation). Despite these factors, number of Clark's nutcrackers is still large and stable in the wild.
Interesting Clark's nutcracker Facts:
Clark's nutcracker can reach 10.6 to 11.8 inches in length and 3.7 to 5.7 ounces of weight.
Clark's nutcracker has pale grey body and black wings with white patches. Tail is black in the middle and white on the edges.
Clark's nutcracker has medium-sized body and long, sharp, dagger-shaped bill.
Clark's nutcracker got its name by William Clark, famous explorer who discovered this bird at the beginning of the 19th century.
Clark's nutcracker is an omnivore (it eats both plants and meat). Its diet is mainly based on the various types of pine seed. Besides that, Clark's nutcracker eats insects, toads, small mammals and carrion.
Clark's nutcracker uses special pouch under the tongue to carry 30 to 150 seed that are stored in the ground for the later use. Each bird is able to collect and store up to 98.000 seed per year.
Clark's nutcracker has excellent memory. It can find almost all hidden seed 6 to 9 months from the moment of storing. Many species of pines have evolved (changed the shape of the tree and cones) to facilitate extraction of seed and their dispersal in the wild by Clark's nutcrackers.
Clark's nutcrackers are gregarious birds. They travel in large flocks and produce rolling calls for the communication.
Natural enemies of Clark's nutcrackers are hawks, eagles and owls.
Mating season of Clark's nutcrackers takes place during the January and February. Clark's nutcrackers are monogamous birds. They produce one brood per season.
Clark's nutcracker uses twigs, moss, grasses, bark and animal hair for the construction of the nest. These birds build nest in the trees on the side that is protected from the wind.
Female lays 2 to 6 pale green eggs covered with brown spots. Both parents participate in the incubation of eggs which lasts 18 days. Male uses brood patch on the chest to generate the heat required for the incubation of eggs.
Hatchlings are helpless at birth. They can survive harsh weather conditions thanks to stored seed rich in calories.
Young Clark's nutcrackers are ready to leave the nest (for the first time) 20 days after hatching. They stay with their parents until the age of 3.5 to 4 months.
Clark's nutcracker can survive around 17 years in the wild.

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