Common adder Facts

Common adder Facts
Common adder is a type of poisonous snake. There are three subspecies of adder that can be found in Western Europe, East Asia and throughout the Arctic Circle. Adder is the only poisonous snake in England. Adders may survive in different habitats and climates. They are usually seen in grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocky slopes and semi-deserts. Major threats to the survival of adders are habitat destruction and killing due to fear of snakes and because of their venom which is used in folk medicine. Luckily, number of adders in the wild is still stable and they are not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Common adder Facts:
Adders are not very large in size. Females are slightly longer and wider than males. They are usually 24 to 35 inches long, weighing between 1.8 and 6.3 ounces.
Adders are easily recognized by the unique zigzag pattern on their back. Males are often white or grey in color. They have black pattern on backs. Females are usually brown or reddish in color. They have dark brown zigzag pattern. Adders can be completely black.
Adders have vertical pupils and ability to locate prey easily.
Adders have a pair of venomous fangs (teeth). They are used to grab the victim and deliver deadly dose of toxin.
Adders produce venom of medium strength. It can kill the smaller prey, but it is not fatal for humans. Person will experience nausea, drowsiness and diarrhea. Medical help is usually needed.
Adders are carnivores. They eat different kind of animals: voles, shrews, mice, lizards, newts, frogs, small birds and insects.
Depending on the climate, adders are active either during the day (colder climate) or later in the afternoon (warmer climate). Since adders are cold-blooded creatures, they often bask in the sun.
Adders hibernate during the winter months when outside temperature is low and food sources scarce.
Hibernacula is a den in the ground, used for hibernation. Adders often use underground tunnels of small mammals, as a perfect place for hibernation.
Like other snakes, adder sheds the skin while growing. Each year, adder changes skin two times.
Mating season starts in April. Females release specific odor when they are ready to mate. Males follow these smelly trails to find females.
When two males want to mate with the same female, they perform "the dance of adder". They position their bodies up straight and push each other toward the ground. Winner gets the opportunity to mate.
Female gives birth to live babies once every two year. Pregnancy lasts 3 months.
There are usually between 3 and 18 baby snakes in the litter. They look like miniature version of adults. Babies spend first few days of life with their mother.
Adder can survive between 14 and 15 years in the wild.

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