Cuscus Facts

Cuscus Facts
Cuscus is a marsupial that lives in Australia, Papua New Guinea and on the nearby islands. There are 23 species of cuscus that differ in size, color and type of habitat. Cuscus can survive in different ecosystems: tropical rainforests, mangroves and dense forests at high altitudes (3900 feet). Number of cuscus in the wild is still large, but they are facing uncertain future. Biggest threats for the survival of cuscuses are habitat loss, habitat destruction and hunt (because of their meat and fur). In this moment cuscus is not on the list of endangered species.
Interesting Cuscus Facts:
Cuscus is an animal of medium size. It can reach 14 to 26 inches in length and weigh between 3.3 and 13 pounds. It has 13 to 24 inches long tail.
Cuscus is covered with thick, wooly fur that can be black, brown, white, tan or grey in color. Fur can be covered with spots.
Color of the fur is changing with age. Adult coloration will be reached when animal becomes sexually mature.
Cuscus has rounded head with small ears and large, round eyes. Eyes can be orange, red or yellow. They are designed for night vision.
Cuscus is arboreal creature (lives in the treetops). Life on the trees ensures plenty of food and serves as a good hiding place from predators.
Cuscus has five, strong digits equipped with nails that ensure strong grip and stability on the branches. Besides for climbing, nails play role in grooming.
Long, prehensile tail is another adaptation for the arboreal life. Tail serves as an extra limb that facilitates movement on the trees. Tail lacks hair at its top.
Due to similarities in appearance and movement, cuscus was considered to be a close relative of monkey. But it's not. Closest relative of cuscus is opossum.
Cuscus is nocturnal animal (active during the night). It rests during the day in dense vegetation. Cuscus is very shy animal and it can be spotted in the wild at extremely rare occasions.
Pythons and birds of prey are main predators of cuscus.
Cuscus is territorial animal. It will use its saliva to mark the boundaries of its territory. When someone tries to occupy his territory, cuscus will hiss and physically attack the intruder.
Cuscus is a solitary creature that meets with other cuscuses only for mating. They can mate throughout the whole year.
Just like in other marsupials, female gives birth after only couple of weeks of pregnancy. Undeveloped babies will crawl into the mother's pouch to finish their development. Female usually have 2 to 3 babies, but only one baby survives.
Baby spends 6 to 7 months in the mother's pouch. After that period it leaves the pouch and begins independent life. Cuscus reaches sexual maturity at the age of one year.
Cuscus can survive up to 11 years in the wild.

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