Dingo Facts

Dingo Facts
Dingo is well known as Australian wild dog, but it actually originates from Southeast Asia, where it can be found even today. Dingo can survive in different types of habitat. It usually inhabits woodland, grassland and edges of the forests with limited access to water. Fast spreading of European settlers across Australian continent led to accelerated loss of dingo's habitat. Other than that, dingoes began to mate with domestic dogs. As a result, one third of remaining dingo population in Australia is a hybrid formed by mixing of genes of dingoes and domestic dogs. Number of pure dingoes is very small and they are considered endangered species.
Interesting Dingo Facts:
Dingo can reach 3.5 to 4 feet in length and 22 to 33 pounds in weight. Dingo has bushy tail that is usually 12 to 13 inches long.
Color of dingo fur is usually reddish-brown and covered with white markings. Dingoes that live in the forests have darker fur, while those that inhabit arid areas have lighter fur.
Dingo has pointed muzzle, big canine teeth and very large, upright ears. Dingo is able to rotate its head for almost 180 degrees in both directions.
Unlike other dogs, dingo does not bark. It howls like a wolf.
Communication between animals is accomplished via howls, urine marks and rubbing of scent.
Dingo can live a solitary life or be a part of a pack. One pack usually consists of 10 animals. Dingoes that are living in a group hunt their prey cooperatively.
Dingoes consume both animal- and plant-based diet. Meat is main source of energy and they usually hunt rabbits, wallabies, kangaroos, birds, lizards and domestic animals. They sometime eat berries and fruit.
Dingoes hunt mainly at night. They can travel 37 miles per night when they are searching for food.
Just like dogs, dingoes will hide food remains under the ground for later meals.
Weak and old members of the group will be deprived of food. Death due to starvation is efficient way for the pack to eliminate "useless" members of the group.
Dingoes mate once per year, from March to June. Pregnancy in females lasts two months and ends with one to ten pups. Usually, there are between 5 and 6 babies in a litter.
All members of the group help in raising the pups. Dominant female will kill offspring of other females in the group.
Pups depend on their mother during the first six to eight months of their life. They will enrich milk diet with solid food at the age of 8 weeks. Adult dingoes will regurgitate swallowed food to feed the pups.
Male dingoes become sexually mature at age of one year. Females one year later.
Average lifespan of dingo is 5 to 6 years in the wild and up to 15 years in captivity.

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