Fishing cat Facts

Fishing cat Facts
Fishing cat is a type of small wild cat. There are two subspecies of fishing cat that can be found in the South and Southeast Asia. Fishing cat inhabits marshes, swamps, mangroves, tidal forests and areas near the rivers and streams. It can survive on the altitude of up to 5000 feet. Number of fishing cat is rapidly decreasing due to habitat destruction (as a result of increased agriculture and urbanization), pollution of water ecosystems and poaching (because of their fur and meat). Fishing cats are listed as endangered species.
Interesting Fishing cat Facts:
Fishing cats can reach 38 to 48 inches in length and 15 to 25 pounds of weight. Males are much heavier than females.
Fishing cats have dense olive grey fur covered with black stripes and spots.
Fishing cats have small head, flattened nose and highly positioned small, rounded ears. They have stocky body and short legs. Tail is usually one half or one third of the body length.
Fishing cats are adapted for the semi-aquatic life (life near the water). They have partially webbed paws and incompletely sheathed claws (claws cannot be retracted completely).
Fishing cats are nocturnal animals (active during the night).
Fishing cats are carnivores (meat-eaters). One third of their diet is based on fish. Besides fish, they eat rodents, birds, snakes, snails and mollusks. Fishing cats are able to kill large prey such as dogs, civets and domestic cattle.
Fishing cat has interesting fishing technique. It gently touches the water with its paws to produce miniature waves like insects that are landing on the surface of water. This attracts fish. Once the fish appear, fishing cat catches it with its paws or dives to catch it under the water.
Fishing cat is strong swimmer that can catch birds that are resting on the surface of water from below.
Fishing cat is territorial animal. Males occupy territory of 6.2 to 8.5 square miles. Females live on a territory of 1.5 to 2.3 square miles. They mark their territories with urine.
Fishing cats are solitary animals except during the mating season. They produce chuckling calls for communication.
Mating season of fishing cats takes place from January to February.
Pregnancy in females lasts 63 to 70 days and ends with 2 to 4 kittens. Babies spend first few weeks of their life in the hidden dens made of dense vegetation.
Kittens are blind at birth and weigh only 6 ounces. They will open their eyes after 2 weeks and start eating meat at the age of two months. Fishing cats reach sexual maturity at the age of 9 to 10 months. At that age, they are ready to leave their mother to establish their own territories.
Captive males participate in rearing of kittens.
Fishing cats can survive up to 10 years in the captivity.

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